About Oncozone

Oncozone.net is an open-access platform that publishes all aspects of research on the treatment of cancer using radiation. By disseminating research results, scientific and technical information involving radiation therapy, Oncozone wants to contribute to the world wide advancement of excellence in the practice of radiotherapy and the promotion of the most up-to-date treatments available to patients suffering from cancer.

Radiation oncologists, radiation oncology nurses, medical physicists, radiation therapists, dosimetrists and biologists active at hospitals and cancer treatment centres around the globe comprise Oncozone’s contributors and focused viewers.

It is estimated that there have been than 12 million new cancer cases in 2007 worldwide, of which 5.4 million occurred in economically developed countries and 6.7 million in economically developing countries. The corresponding estimates for total cancer deaths in 2007 are 7.6 million (about 20,000 cancer deaths a day), 2.9 million in economically developed countries and 4.7 million in economically developing countries. By 2050, the global burden is expected to grow to 27 million new cancer cases and 17.5 million cancer deaths simply due to the growth and aging of the population.

Not limited by space or format constraints, Oncozone.net accepts reports of data from original research, articles describing any subject within the scope of radiation therapy, commentaries, presentations of new methods, tests or procedures, evaluations of new procedures and equipment, study protocols etc.

By making freely and universally accessible, online, the latest findings in radiotherapy by healthcare professionals from distinguished community practice centres as well as major academic research facilities, Oncozone.net creates an opportunity for the radiation oncologists, radiation oncology nurses, medical physicists, radiation therapists, dosimetrists and biologists to learn from each other’s experiences, to exchange information, to discuss new ideas, to foster closer collaborations, to inspire further collaborative research and development, with the aim to help the global oncology community to perform their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently for the increased benefit of the patient.


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